Why I don’t practice voodoo (or believe in it), but believe in astrology, reincarnation, the use of tarot cards and other spiritual tools falsely labelled as “new age” and evil.

This is also why you should not go around accusing people of dark magic (from your belief in it) and voodoo (if you don’t want to be treated to a curse one day) ~

~ To the person who called me a voodoo something (maybe assuming because I am a seer (some call such a prophetess others psychic. It is the same and the outcome depends on the person’s intention and not in the label you give it ! (read it again) . Sorry to tell you I wouldn’t know the first thing about voodoo. (Ps What a racist comment. If you are black it’s even more of a shameful assumption). 

Not all African people believe in voodoo or use it and I have told the story of how my family went to live in Uganda for a time and because I was a Christian I refused to believe in the power of voodoo and how I overcame the negative power of it. But I do have stories of a relative I know who used it to cure her son of serious mental psychosis (after the war) and it worked instantly with him. He was my cousin and his name was Martin. He returned from war like a zombie and would stare at a wall all day, even if you were in the room. He was in a constant state of shock and was experiencing a mental episode. He was taken to a local witch Dr by someone people I know and returned a different man, one would say even healed.  He was talking eating and completely changed, no more psychosis and the life in his eyes had returned to him.

This is what I know of voodoo and why I choose not to believe in it or practice it. But I do believe in astrology and have zero issues with using cards, books (including the bible) and my divine intuition to communicate with angels.

I am a very strong Christian and have been since I was born. the very first song that I learnt as a child was “ Jesus Loves Me”, I felt every word of it and took it very personally. When I grew to learn more about Jesus’ life through Sunday school and church I was amazed and in awe of him in a very innocent and pure way. As a child knowing that God was always with me was everything to me. Often people forget that children can have moments of confusion, loneliness and feeling lost too, even with their parent or parents very present in their lives. It’s not enough to know that you have a parent or parents that love you. You need to know that you are part of a bigger plan. A more divine plan, that started long before you existed. You need to know that you will always be provided for even if your parents are not present. If your parents don’t teach you this you can grow up in a world where you believe that people are the ones to go to for sustenance, for support, for love, for resources, for everything.

You can become even more dependent on people to provide for you in a desperate way, as so many were with King. We have earthly rulers to overlook our social needs and infrastructure, to adjudicate and protect our general well-being in a very general context. But privately we must learn to provide for ourselves. At first, most of us have a parent or parents to provide for us food, shelter and clothing. But eventually, when you grow to become an adult you need to be able to provide for yourself and not expect people to come to your rescue or hand you what you need with a silver spoon. Parents who don’t do the job of teaching their children to be self-sufficient but instead to be dependent do a lot of harm to their self-esteem, self-worth and ability to seek resources such as employment and other social resources. These adults seem to never grow up, and struggle deeply with life and survival. 

But there is one last part that so many parents don’t teach their children and that is about God ( the creator, our eternal provider. Some call many other names). Some parents don’t instil in their children the knowledge of God the nature of God and the endless and eternal presence of God. The ability of God to provide for all our needs including comfort, love, protection, resources etc. But the last part of this is that parents need to couple that with teaching children that that connection is private and personal and not for the world though it can be celebrated and shared with the world. Parents can only do this by entrusting their children to God, teaching them what they can, but not trying to “ brainwash “ their children into believing that their way was 100% right and that they know God better than anyone else. Parents can entrust their children to God by involving them in their practice of faith as my mother did. But not needing to control their children’s beliefs and interpretations of God. Unfortunately, this is the aspect many parents lack. The need to control the actions and thoughts of children, not inspire them to listen, obey and know what it right (as God does). 

I was blessed so richly spiritually as a child. I was surrounded by not just Christian people but true Christians with real faith and a humble relationship with God. That never needed to show it off to the world. My mother was so humble in her faith and practice. She never claimed to be righteous or have all the answers when it came to God and allowed us to find our own way to God. My father’s father was quiet, one could even mistake him for not being present. He is Catholic and now I see it was his decision to place us into a Catholic primary school (junior school). It was where my faith in God grew. I was exposed to beautiful sacred places of worship with beautiful glass and just quiet. It was peaceful and quiet. The hymns were so angelic and full of emotion. “ Here I am Lord “ was the second song I learned to sing. But I learnt that faith could be quiet peaceful and calm. It didn’t need to be loud and exciting. But also most times to hear God speaking you need to be quiet and if no one teaches you to pray like this you are then always talking to God and never listening to God speak to you. That’s not a relationship, that’s offloading. Which many people do with God and also people. 

The school was private and devoted to the Catholic faith. So my father invested in my faith without even saying a word and today I thank him deeply for it and my mother too, for teaching me the way to go and trusting in God that I would find him. But when I grew up I lost my way many times, I came back to God but still found that life was not as I expected as a child. There were so many disappointments and it was very hard at times. 

I was independent since I was 18. My mother never held the philosophy that we would stay with her until marriage as they do in Africa. Because the landscape was different. We lived in a Western country that didn’t have community support of family support and I think she knew that the best way to teach me to survive was to push me out into the world trusting that some of what she taught would stick. She was preparing me for a world without her and my father or anyone. It was hard and I was 100% like the prodigal daughter who wasted away all her riches on the wrong things and had to come home for shelter quite a few times. But I still went back out there knowing that God was with me and ever-present.

I skipped a part. I will get the juicy part soon, but I need people to have context. I missed my childhood days visiting my Uncle Tom in Uganda when I was 12. I had a “meeting” with Jesus for the very first time. I call it a meeting because there is no other way to explain it but that. I was a child filled with faith and knowledge of Jesus but not living like Jesus and thinking like Jesus as my greatest teacher. But one day at my uncle’s place while riddled with asthma I was taught who Jesus was. I had very chronic asthma as a child and it was worse in Uganda with all the red dust and country roads. So I had to stay inside and it made me very unhappy. But it was the gift I needed for the rest of my life. On my uncle’s bookshelf was a very tiny book called “ How to Receive Miracle Healing.” It was small enough for me to read in a few hours. The book talked about Jesus coming to heal and teach us. It talked about Jesus still being powerful enough to do whatever we ask for in his name. My heart heard every word. It talked about people getting up and walking who couldn’t before. I drank it up and at the end, there was a prayer for healing. Saying that Jesus could still do what he did today and forever. That just because Jesus was gone did not mean he could not heal. The promise was that we who believed would do even far greater things than Jesus did. You were meant to recite the prayer and with faith (belief) know that you were healed. To believe and act as if it were so from then on. Long story short, my faith failed the first time to inspire God to heal me. So I came back the next day and read the book again. This time I decided to believe and not doubt. I held onto my faith and imagined myself well again and as I was doing this l felt the asthma leave my body never to return. I ran and told my mother immediately and she did not know what to say. But we almost never spoke about it in my family after that day. Because no one understood what had happened, but they believed, they just found it was too sacred to speak about.

My family’s faith has never been showy.

So fast forward to going back to Africa and attending an English-run boarding school on the banks of the river Nile. A river with deep connections to the three major faiths. Where Moses was placed into a basket and other stories.

I experienced for the first time people who believed in and practised a form of African witchcraft (not all forms are the same !). I felt great fear from people as a result of it. A woman who had mental health issues was spoken of as being cursed by the village people, so no one went near her and she suffered so much as a result. They almost treated her like a wild animal. We saw pots of concoctions on the road attempting to curse God knows who. It was quite a shock to me. But my faith in God from 12 years old had taught me that it is only through belief that anything can harm you. If you believe it has power or people have power over you then they do. If you believe that voodoo can harm you then it can and may. So I chose in the moment never to believe in any of it. I even kicked the pot I saw on the road and walked away. 

This is the thing, one day maybe I will share about the beautiful African spirituality that was the key to unlocking the knowledge we know of today in all spiritual practices. Africans who were the first on this earth and Uganda being where they believe the real Eve actually existed. There is so much for people to learn about this that is not to be feared but deeply respected and appreciated. But for the witchcraft, some try to practice. To use it to hurt people, isn’t of the creator at all. Whether you try to use Christianity, Islam or some other faith to hurt others God has created, you must know that God is not with you at all. God would never harm his creations. We are the ones who harm ourselves and each other by choice.

But my experience watching my cousin be healed made me go back and ask God how could witchcraft belief create healing in one person but hurt others? I left that question for God to answer for me in his time and he did.

I was always deeply interested in science. In boarding school I just loved physics deeply and would ponder it for days, how metal would expand when exposed to heat and such. My mind was blown away with it but I never saw it as separate from God, just an extension of God. Years later I found myself learning about Quantum Physics. I learnt basically that energy attracts like energy. People translated that to “ as a man thinks so shall he become”. That our thoughts are energy and can attract whatever we want but also whatever we don’t want if we are not careful. It helped me remember what Jesu was trying to teach people. That with faith you could move a mountain and tell it to jump into the sea. So by our belief in something we give it power and shift the nature of reality as we see it. This answered my question about why voodoo works can be harmful for some but can also create a healing state in others. It came down to a person’s belief. I chose not to believe in the dark magic of the people trying to curse others and was untouched as a result. But my cousin believed it could heal him and as such was healed by his belief.

So this is why I warn people against running around believing in the dark aspects of anything. Whatever you believe you will draw to you. Evil does exist, but it comes from inside a man’s heart. Yes, there are spiritual unseen forces that can be evil too, but again it comes to what thoughts people entertain as their belief. believing that a THING such as a card, a book anything is evil and having an evil power makes it evil for you and yes may harm YOU should you touch or use such. But to another person, a card (tarot for example) is just a piece of paper with beautiful artwork that has messages of love and positive affirmations, with no evil element. This is how tarot cards are supposed to be used and seen. When the Bible speaks of witchcraft, be sure that it is speaking of those who use it to turn people away from God into evil and darkness. The interpretation should not include any belief that creates goodness, especially healing.

Angels are real beings of God. There are dark beings who pass from this world. There is a dark entity that rules all of that called the Devil. But even the devil has a mystical story that all people need to understand. That Lucifer by mythology was once an angel it is believed. The mythological story of te Devil should tell you that even good people can become evil. No baby is evil, none. So what happens that some grow to become evil and others good when God loves everyone the same?

But Angels communicate with us through so many avenues. Not just in our thoughts and feelings, but sometimes a book we are reading a piece of music, or a person. When I realised that I was filled with God’s Holy spirit and as my mother once said was “ gifted” with a special connection with God and angels I needed to find a way to communicate with them that removed my emotions from the messages. I loved the artwork on tarot cards, and the beautiful images and I loved that each had a meaning and told a story. My first deck was a Christian deck based on the beliefs of a group of Christians who existed until the 13th century (technically), called “The Cathars”. They believed in reincarnation (the eternal nature of our souls, which means that we can and sometimes do come back). They were healers like Jesus, they were virtually vegan because they did not believe in harming any being of God, but also not consuming anything that may promote reincarnation. They were killed by fire as heretics and only in recent years has the Catholic church acknowledged what they did to them. But they were spoken of as Gnostic (those who know, carriers of Mary Magdalene’s intimate knowledge of Jesus) and called Les parfait ( as in the perfect ones), because they lived in peace and harmony with everyone of all faiths and practised the doctrine of love.

I won’t get into Christian reincarnation and stories today. But I will say this. That if you were not encouraged to have you own relationship with God but one that mimics someone else. If you have allowed people to spoonfeed you knowledge and brainwash you in fear and conspiracies, you are in danger of self-harm (harming yourself from your beliefs in the power of darkness over good). If you are a Christian you need to walk with God alone. It’s the one relationship you will never ever share, even with your soulmate or twin flame love. If you don’t separate yourself from man and his beliefs (some of which can be false), you will never know the full breadth of God, the full power of God, and the full nature of God. Your faith will be limited to going to church and what you are told to believe. You won’t see miracles happen in your life or God move mountains into the sea. You will always be a victim in this life, never a victor. Always susceptible to other people’s thoughts, beliefs and actions. Not living in full joy, peace and harmony.

Years after I was healed from asthma, My eyesight was also healed by faith and now every time I am sick or have any kind of ailment I remember Jesus and why he came and find healing. This is truly the secret to my health. This is the truth that “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne (the book was based on).

Being a Christina means this to me. It doesn’t mean that I belong to any one church, it doesn’t mean I belong to a group even though I may join and align with one over another. It means that I am a follower of Jesus and trying to emulate his life. He was a lover of all people, he was a healer, he was a peacemaker. He had a very personal relationship with God and would spend hours alone with God in prayer and meditation. 

Never let anyone make you think that your relationship with God is your denomination or lack of. Your church or lack of. It’s far beyond that and God has so much to teach you if you are ready to learn. But you got to get out there and be ready to wrestle with things you don’t understand.

God created the stars and helped man understand their content, nature and purpose (in a very basic way) just like science, nature and art. So no, astrology (which comes from astronomy) is not of evil, it’s of knowledge of God. Some use it to decide their every action which can then become harmful for then you forget that God’s power lives in you to create your own life and mark out your own destiny.  But understanding our connection to this beautiful and magical universe and how we affect it and it affects us, is exactly why we are here. Don’t ever get it twisted. If a woman or man can use both this understanding and the holy spirit of God that lives inside them to get answers from God, it should be celebrated as special. Not looked at with suspicion and fear. For God created everything in the universe for us to enjoy and understand. If you don’t once again you cripple yourself from doing more, being more and having the depth of relationship with God you could.

I hope some of you reconsider what you say, think and believe after you read this. On this planet earth, there is so much to learn. Don’t hide in a cupboard and expect to grow and don’t push away the very thing or person who may help you to heal, to grow, to love deeper and know God with so much more depth. ~

Lad J XX


(King is a Capricorn (understand that this is connected to the planet of Saturn and his day of birth). There are planets that will always influence his decisions, beliefs, ideas and personality and Capricorn is just one. He is also influenced by the planet Jupiter (a real planet :), so as such Sagittarius. I am also influenced heavily by Jupiter- Sagittarius

because of my day of birth but also by Capricorn for all matters related to love and money. So King is a Cap-Sag and I am a Sag-Cap). So when I see such a reading it aligns very much with what King and I are transitting into. You may say this can apply to anyone. It is a general reading for sure. But there are forces that are influencing our world and some of them come from the planets that so many demonise as evil which were created by God to move the way they do and have the energy they do for a reason). She is one of the best psychic (intuitive), general readers I know on this. I watch her to validate sometimes what King and I are experiencing and what I myself see as a seer. I find it soothing to know that there is a bigger picture at play on our planet and nothing is just happening out of control.



The deer has become a very important symbol for me. It not only represents Christmas (King and my favourite day of the year). On a family crest, the deer symbolises “peace and harmony and one who will not fight unless provoked”, which is exactly the direction King and I are headed and focused.  ” In many cultures, the deer is a symbol of spiritual authority. During a deer’s life, the antlers fall off and grow again and the animal is also a symbol of regeneration. In the Christian imagination, the deer is a symbol of piety, devotion and of God taking care of his children. The legend of Saint Eustace, for example, tells the story of the Roman general who, before becoming a saint, was out hunting and came across a magnificent and enormous deer. When Eustace looked at the animal’s eyes, the light of Christ shone out of them and the voice of God spoke to him through them. Placido, the Roman name for the saint, gave up hunting and became a Christian.” Take some time to read my blog post here about the different ways God speaks to us even as Christians! And then watch the video below and see if you can see the thread of God speaking to King and me and watch for it in your own life. How God is communicating with you ~ King is a Capricorn-sag, I am a Sag-Capricorn. Resource: https://www.faena.com/aleph/notes-on-the-symbolism-of-deer#:~:text=In%20many%20cultures%2C%20the%20deer,care%20of%20his%20children%3A%20men.

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