A Grander View

A GRANDER VIEW ~ #GODSView I thought my view was great until God showed me a much grander view ~ Today I’m sharing how to bring forth your soulmate and your one true love (and yes, I am one who believes deeply that in your lifetime there will be just one) ~ If you are not ready you will miss them. If you are over there busy bodying in everybody else’s business, say goodbye to love ~ God doesn’t waste time with time wasters!   Today I realised something. I realised how much God listens to our every request and wish when we are filled with love. It’s just so easy to manifest what we want into reality. The full version of it, not just financial abundance, but health, love, happiness, wholeness and prosperity (a real legacy). Sometimes you think your view is big enough. That your dreams are big enough, but I realised that God’s dreams for us are far bigger. But God does listen to our expectations and does according to what we expect too. The internet can make you feel so inadequate even on your best days a video or image will pop up with someone claiming they found something you could never find. Maybe that’s how some people even view me with all my love talk of King and I. I completely understand. But just take heart that nobody has arrived and we are all in this together. I hope to simply help you see and think and believe that great love is possible and no matter what anybody tells you it is worth every prayer, tear and lonely night waiting for it. It’s far more enriching than gold. You can’t put a price on it because love does something to your soul that money can never do. It expands your soul and your ability to see and experience a part of God. You get to understand how God loves us and sees us. But please remember that your turn will come. It will if you live righteously and with faith, love will not miss you. In the meantime work on making sure you have the tools to have a healthy, committed relationship. Work on your relationship with yourself (understanding your character, your weaknesses and strengths) and your relationship with God. It is never too late and never say you are done, because God is never done with you. Give faith and love a try. I remember I used to indulge in other people’s love stories. Real stories and even those in movies. It helped me see and know what I wanted. I used to imagine what it would be like for that person to be me experiencing that with my own great love, who back then didn’t have a name or face. He just had an energy. So don’t listen to people who call love corny. Be as corny as you want to be! Be enriched by your imagination. Because through it God will whisper to you some important details of your one. Don’t listen to people who have given up on love, who have grossly settled on someone because they don’t want to be alone. Don’t ever listen to anyone who tells you that love is a strategy and you need to look for certain features, attributes or a certain age group! Listen to God speaking to your heart. God created you and knows who your person is. When I used to meet women who had found real lasting love I asked for their stories and I was so happy for them as if it were me. Today it’s so sad. If I talk all day on here about money and manifesting money and great wealth no one would ever bother me. But because I dare to talk about the thing that evades so many people today. I dare to say that I found that treasure, I get enough hate to last a lifetime (online that is). People will be jealous of you. But just know that God is 100% supporting that dream even at this moment and knows exactly who your person is and where they are. You have to believe that they already exist and are dreaming of you too. The wealth will come and sometimes even go! But true love lasts forever ~ God just changed my view. I never in any lifetime thought that I would end up moving to Chicago from Australia. But that is just it I left enough room for God to decide where I would go. I didn’t say “look God my person must be in Australia and he must be black and he must be this age”. I simply said God you know my heart, you know what would light it up and who. I will just dream and imagine and let you show me where to go. When you do meet that person. That is what I know. It won’t be love at first sight. It will be the most mutual love at first knowing you could ever experience. The key word is mutual. But keep your head, and build a friendship that will last. Have fun together, pray together, and share spiritual lessons. Share your heart. Be deep. Because whatever you build at the beginning is exactly what will get you through some of your hardest moments in life and I promise you, the sex will be fire, like you both are. Just trust God and do it the right way.

I have to give a shoutout to my sister who had the vision for me of marriage and a family. I think she may have even said once that she could see me with an African-American man ~ #TrueStory I kind of just brushed it off at the time but it kind of sat in my heart a little. Now I look back and wonder if God was trying to guide me through my sister’s vision of the person for me (of course he was). But I did say to her, well …plot twist… My soulmate and true love is #RKelly 🙂 #SURPRISE! (I bet she didn’t see that one coming :O ) I know that she is truly happy for me. It was marriages like hers that gave me the vision for my own life and what to expect. So surround yourself with people who inspire you. Not just financially for God’s good sake! But for those with healthy, loving, real, spiritual and happy relationships ~ If you don’t know any, God will provide. Sometimes it could be people you don’t even know who inspire you ~ Just keep hope, faith and dreaming alive ~

Lady J XXX

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